May 24, 2023 in Blog

Summer Brings Warm Weather and Higher Injury Rates

Did you know that 30 percent of all injuries occur in the warmer months? It’s been said that half of those injuries happen between noon and 6:00pm!

With children out of school, routines disrupted, and more activities, it’s inevitable that injuries occur. As much as we think we are prepared, does everyone in your household really know how to handle the basic first aid needs should they face an injury?

Life’s Emergency Training has made this simple and affordable for everyone in your household! We have developed a simple, on-line, at-your-own pace, program to learn the most utilized first aid treatments. This program is great for anyone who doesn’t need to be fully certified but will benefit from the know-how of first aid.

Sign up now or share this email so everyone can start training! We are covering the most common injuries from five chapters of our full course:
• Severe Bleeding & Wound Care
• Burns
• Heart Attack and Strokes
• Choking

This online program is perfect and affordable!
• Minimal time requirement
• Learn at your own pace
• Gain knowledge to address most common first aid services
• Become confident in making sure you can respond with ease


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