September 7, 2017 in Blog, Safety

It’s Superhuman Day!

Superhuman Day celebrates and brings awareness to the thousands of athletes, musicians, artists, and everyday people who have overcome what was once perceived as a crippling limitation and gone on to prove that “Yes I Can”  (


Today we celebrate people who are like you and me and yet they may have to work so much harder to do the things that we do.  Superhuman Day was the brainchild of the fantastic people at Channel 4 to highlight the incredible athletes at the Summer Paralympic Games.


It’s not just athletes who are superhumans.  You’ve probably not heard of Dylan Duncan.  Dylan is a young man with developmental disabilities who saved a man’s life because he knew CPR.


Life’s Emergency Training invites you to watch the Yes I Can video and be inspired by determination, strength and these superhumans have.






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