July 19, 2017 in Blog

Home Alone – Is It Time?

There’s the time that Macaulay Culkin, aka Kevin McCallister, was left behind as his family flies to Paris … remember the movie? It’s very unrealistic that you’d leave your child behind in error, but the “latchkey” child is very prevalent in today’s world. How comfortable are you leaving your child Home Alone?

With more and more parents working, it’s common for children to stay home by themselves once they reach the legal age or an appropriate maturity level.

Life’s Emergency Training wants to make it easy for you to prepare yourself and your child for staying home alone. We have just launched a brand new online course entitled, you guessed it, Home Alone.

The course covers all the crucial parts of staying home alone:

  • Communication
  • Rules
  • Planning


  • We talk about safety and first aid.
  • We cover a list of Top Ten Safety Rules.
  • And we stress the importance of routines and best practices.

Don’t fret about leaving your child home alone – prepare them! Whether your child will be home alone this Fall or is already home alone, you’ll want to register them in this program so you can both feel confident and comfortable about being Home Alone.


One Comment

  1. January 10, 2018 at 1:10 pm


    What a beautiful and needed information. It is always inportant to train the adults in the family to deal with such crucial part of growing up. Thanks lives emergency for introducing this topic that is so relevant and needed in today’s society.

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